Are annuities the missing piece to complete your retirement puzzles?

What is an annuity?

An annuity is a financial tool designed to provide a guaranteed income. It comes in many different forms or shapes depending on your needs and risk tolerance.

Most common are Immediate, fixed, variable and fixed index annuities.

Created by insurance companies and funded by a lumpsum payment amount the right annuity could be the missing puzzle to bullet proof your retirement portfolio.
Fixed indexed annuities offer a fresh approach to your investment portfolio because it offers the chance to combine other benefits. Rather than rely solely on a fixed interest rate (fixed annuity) or the performance of a market (Variable Annuity) fixed index annuity combines both. Yes, the best of both worlds. Safety mechanism protecting from a market drop and the potential growth of index performance. No more seeing your accounts bleed and unsure if you will have enough money once you start withdrawing from your retirement accounts.

Things to keep in mind

Annuities can include a rider that will have multipurpose. Riders are optional and they can enhance your retirement outlook at an additional cost.
Some benefits include having a contractual guaranteed income for the rest of your life for you and your spouse. It also has a long-term care provision to cover your medical and lifestyle expenses. No more hoping for your kids or other family members to look after you. (no medical underwriters, increase premiums or facility consignment)